
New Blog

Well, I've decided to break down and start a new blog in an effort to give my family/friends an easy way to stay informed regarding baby-related updates.  For those of you who enjoy seeing pics and hearing updates (including TMI about the birth story), head on over to http://adventures-with-amelia.blogspot.com/ as I attempt to keep this new blog up to date going forward.

Abandoning the blog

Blogging is just not doing anything for me anymore - sorry guys!

I've decided to just start actually using facebook more than 3 times a year. I'm better at the shorter posts anyway, and what I really want to do is stay more on top of what is going on in the lives of those I don't get to see that often. Blogging just seems to not fit right now, especially considering that I never can find the time to write much of anything.

Going forward, please add me as a friend on facebook, and I will try to post more updates and pics there. I'll leave this blog active for a while in case anyone wants to save the links to others' blogs.

See you on facebook! (And maybe around town if you live in the Twin Cities.)


Living room updates

I went shopping today! And I had lots of fun. :-) Aren't those some great pillows? Yay for IKEA pillows! Check out the updated living room along with the new furniture we got a while ago:

Thanks to my mom for the new lamps!

Also, I would like to report that we have found a new home for all of our old furniture. :-)

Along the Mississippi

Matt and I decided to take a break from work today to go on a bike ride. What a wonderful day for a ride! Warm enough that we didn't need coats, yet cool enough that we didn't sweat much at all. We saw some gorgeous houses and rode along some great trails. We were glad we headed northwest instead of our typical direction of southeast. Riding along the river was much more interesting that what we've done before. It was so serene up there - so much so that it almost seemed that we were much further from home. It was definitely a nice break from work.

Time for some self-reflection...

Hi all - it's been a while! Sorry!

I just finished up with my last major project of the semester. All that remains is a one page reflection paper, which I know I will put off until the last minute. :-) Yay for freedom from class work! And, my group did pretty well on our final project, so I'm happy with how the semester has ended. Good times...

So, regarding the topic of this post... I had yet a 4th opportunity to take the MBTI this semester, and this time, I got to do the expanded version (Step II). Yay! I love this stuff.

Anyway, I was really looking to confirm whether there were any facets of any of the dichotomies that were clearly out-of-preference for me. I suppose I was looking for more evidence or clarity. Let's just say that self-knowldge is very important to me, and I can't help but think about this stuff.

The good news: I found two facets (Planful vs. Open Ended, and Methodical vs. Emergent) where I was out of preference, and this information helped me to clarify why I have always struggled to identify with one of two types (ENFJ or ENFP). I spent the last year or so thinking I was more of an ENFJ, but now I strongly identify as a Planful, Methodical ENFP. Love to make plans and follow methods, but in general, I hold to them loosely. Other than that, I am in most ways a run-of-the-mill ENFP. And if you know anything about the MBTI and ENFPs, you can probably understand why I love thinking about this model and how I fit into it (among other things...)


Is there anyone else out there reading this blog who has any interest in this topic? Just curious...