
Allergies Suck

So yesterday and today I felt/feel like crap thanks to running out of my allergy pills and not remembering to call in a refill before the doctors office closed on Tuesday. Thankfully, yesterday I was able to get some more medicine, so things are starting to get better. Looks like today I'm going to be staying at home and recovering... Thank goodness that I don't have any meetings today.

I did it!

I finally left the company! It feels freeing and scary all at the same time. Praise God for the push I needed to make the decision. Now I'm just praying that He'll make it clear where I need to go next. I suppose this means that I should get back to the job hunt now...

Feeling stressed

Change is good. I've finally realized that I will never be happy working as an electrical engineer. On this note, I've started a masters program specializing in human resource development, I've accepted a voluntary lay-off from my current electrical engineering job, and I've started the search for a new, more personally fulfilling line of work.

I'm not alone in this mindset, apparently. Many of my friends, past classmates, and random acquaintances have expressed similar feelings about their careers recently. I used to wonder how so many people ended up so far away from their initial career aspirations, and now I know why. People are just incapable of knowing what they really want until they suffer through something they don't want. Or so it seems.... I'm just grateful that I'm surrounded by people who let me know I'm not insane for making such drastic changes.