

So lately I have been on a big, random-thought and random-activities kick. Playing piano, looking up random things related to hobbies and interests I used to pay more attention to... I think it's all in preparation for school this semester...

I started classes on Wednesday. I'm taking a class about managing interpersonal and organizational conflict. For part of the requirements, I have to keep a journal about conflict in my life. I told this to my co-worker, who then said something along the lines of me having internal conflicts, but her never having seen me willingly get involved in other conflicts (or something like that?)... still not sure what to think about that, but it is interesting to note...

So now I have a paper due in two weeks - a 6 page reflective paper - which isn't difficult, but I have two busy weekends coming up and no time to sit down and focus on writing. We'll see how long it takes me to start... probably the night before it's due. :-)

And now the good news... I've been sitting on the other side of "the wall" at work for the last week. This means I actually have peers sitting close by, and I am actually being treated as part of the training department, as opposed to being off by my lonesome. And I have a relevant project to focus on for a while. This is fun. Now if only things would settle down at work so I could get hired full time...

Max's Return

And life in the Cromer household is now back to normal... including Max's personal cleaning service and Mattie's snuggle time with her brother.

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Catching up... or not....

Man, has it been a while. I have now been 25 for 2 weeks! (Sorry to the people who check this blog regularly.) But the good news is - I have started planning scrapbook pages again! I now have about 10 pages/spreads in the works. I'm already running out of pictures for 2007, so maybe I'll take some more for some random fun pages before the retreat in February. I suppose that will partially depend on how much I let my soon-to-start class take over my life... we'll have to see about this...

So the only catching up I want to do is to say that I am now in the middle of a busy project at work that makes my days fly by, and having some free time at night has made my evenings fly by, also. Other than New Years at the Gallop's and lots of fun times with friends, things have been just moving along... Nothing is standing out as noteworthy right now... I suppose that's why I haven't posted? (lame excuse, I know, but I had to try, right?)

In closing, I would like to post a picture of my kitties, in honor of Mattie's braveness in temporarily losing her brother, Max.