
It's melting!

On our way to World Vision today as part of Extend Grace day with the church, Matt noticed that the temperature was in the 40s. So, we decided that it would be a good day to wash the cars and put on some wax to help keep any remaining salt from damaging them any more.

We got home, and first of all, I decided to clean off the driveway a bit. Man, did I have to hack away at the ice, despite all of the melting. Part way in, I decided that it was too hot for a sweatshirt, so down to a T-shirt I went.

Gotta love shoveling ice in a T-shirt. Oh, and our cars look a lot better now. Whew! I'm so excited for springtime!

From my Uncle Pete, a US Airways pilot...

Pete's thoughts: http://investorbustours.com/commentary/71/

The "Booty" Carving

Josh and Maggie brought gifts back for friends and family from Kenya. Maggie said she had wondered to whom they should give this one. Ultimately, she decided that the "booty" carving was meant for Matt and me.

Josh, Maggie, and their two boys Matthew and Caleb were here with us for a week (Jan 5-11, 2009). I had to work during the day, but Matt spent good time with them going sledding, skating, ice fishing, visiting other friends, etc. Then we had quality "down time" in the evenings. Good friends, good times...
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Freedom from shopping

For those of you that talk with me regularly, you know that Matt and I have had an interesting winter so far with some major changes, specifically adjusting to living on a reduced income. Matt is currently in process of changing career directions, so it looks as though the reduced income is here to stay - at least for a while. A year or so ago, I don't know if I would have been ready for this much of a change, but I have been pleasantly surprised with how God has been able to use this to change my heart.

Matt was never a big spender, but I used to be so addicted to shopping. Scrapping supplies, things for the house, etc. - you name it - I bought it. Probably every other day or so I would stop somewhere (typically Target or Archivers) to look around, and I would almost always end up buying something that I didn't need. I wasn't spending more than we were earning, so I didn't bother to slow down or realize how much I was focusing on getting the next new thing, whatever it may be.

While Matt's spending habits have stayed mostly the same, I am so grateful that I have been forced to cut back. It has helped to break my desire for "stuff" that much more. I feel more free from things in this world now. I am at a point where if God called Matt and me to sell everything and go, I think I could happily do so.

Anyway, all this to say that when the going gets tough, God does good things. And I've got some free time before the spring semester starts, so I figured it was time for another post. :-)

It's done...finally!

It's finally done, and it only took me a year to complete. It's my first, fully-finished yarn project... My new scarf!