
I think I need to rescind my previous post...

I came home after class tonight aroung 9 PM. Matt promptly informed me that the bunny did not make it out alive. Max was released into the backyard after Matt got home, and Max quickly discovered the location of the bunny remains. In an effort to rid ourselves of the deceased rabbit, Matt placed the bunny in an area of our yard that is out of the way yet also outside the fenced area. May the bunny rest in peace...

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The First Capture of the Season

Alright, so school isn't over yet, but I had to post this. Max has already had his first capture of the season. And if I weren't so concerned about the life of a particular bunny-rabbit, Max would have a trophy to show for his hard work.

After (bravely) venturing into the dark backyard to pick up Max as soon as he had set down the bunny, I took him inside. He was not very happy about this, but he didn't fight me too much. (He is pretty lazy unless an animal is running right in front of him.) I went back out later, and the bunny had not moved. It let me get very close. I even gave it a nudge with a very long board, and it didn't move, but it was breathing. A few minutes later, I decided to take a picture of him - he didn't look torn up, and I thought it would be cool to get such a close pic of a bunny. But alas, the bunny had moved. Yay! Another bunny-rabbit's life has been spared. I suppose my vegetables won't be very happy this summer... Oh, the circle of life...

And I'm back....

I have two more weeks of class. This means I have 2 presentations and a paper due. I will probably not post until the craziness is over. Also, I have definitely convinced myself that I need a break this summer from taking any classes. That means I will finally be able to sleep - Yay! Anyway, I'm going to bed now, and I will be back again maybe in two weeks. Goodnight!!

Back to normal...mostly

Yay - new carpet!!!! It looks good, and so far, we've kept the cats from making a mess on it... we'll see how long that lasts.

Yesterday Matt and I got most of the furniture that was in the kitchen. Tonight, Matt amazingly put back the rest of the big furniture all by himself while I was at class. And he moved all the old carpet out to the front to be picked up by the trash company. What an awesome hubby....speaking of which, I need to go snuggle him now, so I'm going to stop here. :-)

The Crack

There is a crack in the front screen on my cell phone. I'm sad.... I looked at it this morning when my alarm went off, and I thought there was a bug on my phone. I was scared for a second, but quickly came to my sensibilities. No spider, just a crack. :-( Hopefully it doesn't get worse before December, but just in case, we still have our old phones!

A long day...

I am tired and sore... today we had a lot of work to do, and thank goodness for our friends who came over to help us get the carpet removed. (Dustin, Dan, Spring, Jason - you all are great!)

Matt and I also got some staining done, which is good, although I just got back and realized that we weren't always consistent in how much stain we used... certain pieces will need a second coat tomorrow.

And at 9, I headed out to meet my co-workers/friends for a night out. It was a little wild, but I survived. :-)

And now I need to get some sleep so I don't fall asleep in Xpedition tomorrow. Is it really 1 AM already?