
Statewide smoking ban

Big news of the day - Pawlenty signed a statewide smoking ban that includes restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, etc. MN is the 20th (I think) state to do so. The question is always about freedom. Is the gov't stepping on our freedom, are they crossing the line?

My answer to this is that I'm finally glad to have the freedom to go to any restaurant that I want and not have to get asthma attacks, headaches, feelings of nausea, etc. That's my freedom, and I'm glad that it is being protected. Matt is glad about the ban, but he thinks the line was crossed. He's concerned for the business owners whose businesses might have to close due to lack of customers caused by the smoking ban. Of course, this is the position that one of his favorite radio talk show hosts takes, but I'm not saying that he's just following that guy's opinion.

I'm pretty passionate about ridding the world of tobacco, so this is obviously a topic that Matt and I really shouldn't discuss. I wonder what the rest of the people in this state think...