
Deep thought of the morning...

I realized yesterday how random I can be... After talking with my husband this morning, I figured out that my randomness used to bug him a bit. People don't always want to hear every little thing that I think. And the worst part is, since I don't always remember what I say, I could have really ticked off so many people by saying something that hurt them without even realizing it.

I have all these bad memories as teen/preteen of people deciding they didn't like me and proceeding to make that clear to me, and for so long I thought that those situations were purely the result of kids bonding by finding a common enemy - me being the easy target. I'm starting to wonder if what really happened was that I said or did something that hurt these people, and they just didn't know how to tell me or forgive me.

While I definitely have the natural tendency to just be totally open and free with what I share, sometimes doing so is not the best plan and could possibly cause me to lose friends. Knowing when to not talk has got to be one of the hardest obstacles I will ever have to try to overcome.


Jennifer C. said...

Comment migrated from old livejournal blog:
Subject: Tranparency
Posted by: (Anonymous)
2007-06-29 04:53 pm
I personally like hearing every little thing that you think. I'm glad you're totally open and free with what you share; that's one of the reasons I like you. We talk a lot at church about honesty and vulnerability and authenticity, and you've got that down. I actually have been trying to talk more and be more transparent like you in groups.