It has been a while since I posted - sorry to anyone who is bummed about this. Anyway, last week was a busy one. I took off work Tuesday through Friday in order to attend MBTI Qualifying training down by the MOA. I braved nasty snow driving nearly every day and left at least 2 hours before training started in order to get there on time. The plus side - I learned so much! And now I want to talk with other people about what I learned, but it seems that practically no one is as interested in this stuff as I am. It's sad but true, and now I will have to keep most of what I know to myself in order not to bore others...
At some point in my life, I hope to be able to use what I know on the job, and therefore have an outlet for talking and sharing with others. Looking forward to that... Or even better, maybe I could use what I know at our church? There were a bunch of people in training with me that wanted to do just that. If ever I have the opportunity, I will pounce on it like a cat on a dangling piece of yarn. :-D
Other news - it is still freezing, but Matt and I are motivated to "get moving" again, so we pulled out DDR yesterday and today. We're going to try to keep ourselves more active this winter than we have been in the last few years. The big difference this time is that we have set up a reward/anti-reward system for ourselves to hopefully help keep us motivated. We'll see how effective our system is in the coming months.
And the best news of all - I am mostly done with one of two 10-page final papers, and I only have two evenings of class left for the year. Woohoo! Then it's time for a break. And boy do I need a break...
Fitting In versus Belonging
3 weeks ago
ooo! what is your anti/reward system?! i'm really interested in your behavior modification program that you have set up. given that i do that everyday is impliment BMPs and BRPs(behavior reduction plans). you should be proud that today i went to hte Y with Mike. I did fairly well for not having done anything in quite a while.
Yay! that is good. About our BMP - it involves disallowing some basics if we don't keep up (vgames, tv, movies, internet, etc) until we are caught up, and it involves guilt-free $$ rewards set up on a very specific system that includes time spent exercising and actual results, a.k.a. weight/inches lost.
We've tried just exercising in the past, but it gets us no where. Hopefully with this system we can keep each other accountable. :-)
Good for you! I hope Matt is better at keeping you motivated an accountable than your last exercise partner!
allison.... *gives her the mom look
oh! guess what!? I went running for the first time yesterday in 1.5 yrs! it felt fantastic and my knee doesn't hurt a bit! YEAH!!
Really? Even your girlfriends are not super interested in your personality assessment skills? I’m sorry, I know how much fun you have with it, and I wish that I enjoyed it as much. At least now that we understand my personality better you know that it doesn’t have anything to do how I feel about you. I just don’t enjoy personal reflection. I’ve been trying to remember my acronym… and I’m fairly certain that it’s “I save ____ judiciously.” I just can’t remember the word that should go there. I think that I’m a thinker, since I don’t feel I’m a thinker, therefore it should start with a T. Do I save time judiciously? What is your acronym again?
The T stands for things - but it's all just made up anyway, so you could put whatever you want there as long as it starts with a T. :-) I save turtles/tic tacs/tissues/toes/??? judiciously? Find what you like and run with it! And thanks for caring enough to remember as much as you did. :-)
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