
End of the Spear

Last week our Bible Study group finished up with our most recent study (covering Leviticus). For part of the "in between" time, we decided to watch End of the Spear. I totally see Matt's point that the men shouldn't have defended themselves because it was ultimately part of God's plan to help bring the tribespeople closer to Him, but I still don't think it would've been a bad idea to wear some sort of armor or something... But again, I get it - they did the one thing they could do to most closely resemble Jesus, so good for them. But still... arg. I can't help but value earthly life in addition to eternal life, especially when we can't be certain whether untimely death is really part of God's plan or just us being irresponsible. Am I clinging way to much to earthly life still? Am I alone in thinking this way? I know what point they were trying to get across - This life is temporary. Use it to get more people the non-temporary eternal life. But even earthly life is precious. We try to save it. God saved people from earthly deaths, too. Anyway, I'm just rambling now, so I suppose it's bedtime. :-/


Unknown said...

I can see your point about being irresponsible. If they really wanted to interact with these people, why hadn't they tried to learn the language more in a manner that would allow them to talk to them and let them know that they mean no harm. Instead, they more or less looked like fools who walked into a crazy situation. Their hearts were in the right place, but if they had gone in more prepared (not with weapons...but with head knowledge) they might have had a better chance of surviving.