
Don't go to see "The Golden Compass"

Check this out:


Back to School

It's almost time for class, but I realized that I hadn't posted in a while, so here is my post!

I'm tired and hungry, so let's hope I can stay awake in class. :-)

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!

It is Turkey Day! Mom and Kevin made it into town safely, and we had a good evening baking pies and drinking Chai and eating some "Betta Snacks" (graham and chocolate cookies from Africa that taste kind of like whole grain fudge stripe cookies). I am so ready for sleep, but I haven't posted in a while, so I wanted to write something before bed.

The one bummer is that I was asked to help out on a high priority project today (testing for a release that should be ready to go out on Saturday), and I will very likely be needed for about 20 minutes on Friday morning. My day off is not necessarily going to be a day off after all, but hey - I get paid by the hour, so I'm not complaining. :-)

We'll probably do some shopping and Christmas decorating on Friday while Mom and Kevin are still here, so I suppose I could work in some work-time on top of the fun-time activities. And I've been craving a trip to IKEA, so maybe I'll do that on Saturday? I love extended weekends!

Car Problems - again...

So the car is having issues again, but it's most likely a loose vacuum hose or a faulty AIC (which is what we had replaced last week). Looks like Matt gets to carpool with Dusty tomorrow...

My computer is clean!

I reformatted! And I couldn't be happier. So many things work like they are supposed to now! And I found a work around for my printer software since the fix will probably never be available. Woohoo! This task has been on my to-do list since last winter...

Tired and trying to stay awake...

I am soooo tired right now! My eyes are burning, and I've had way too much trouble focusing on things I had to read today. Hopefully this weekend I can get some sleep since I don't have any major homework due next week...

I'm looking forward to scrapping tomorrow. I got so much done last week, and I still have a ton left for this week, so I know I'll be productive. :-)

I also had a very productive afternoon at work today. Lots to do! It all helps me stay awake. Now I need some caffeine to get me through my next class. We have a guest speaker today, so that should make me a little more motivated to put extra effort into concentrating.

Buick Update

I know you were all very concerned about the car, so here's an update:

It's fixed! For now... :-) And the repairs were the most cost effective solution, so yay! If you are as happy as I am, post a comment and let me know.

And thanks to Dustin for doing all the transporting and car loaning and carpooling with Matt. I didn't even get to go to the shop this time...

Matt is the funniest guy I know

Seriously, if you have not read his bog - whoops! I mean blog - yet, you need to. I have now twice laughed so hard that I cried. You need to read it. :-)

If you don't understand the above statement, click here: http://anteru.blogspot.com/2007/11/matts-blogginghehe.html

The Buick is not feeling well

Matt took the Buick to Walmart today and almost got stuck on the way home. While stopped, the Buick just shut itself off. When Matt tried to start it again, the engined turned over, but it wouldn't start. :-(

Thankfully, while he was on the phone asking me what we should do, his second attempt to start the car worked. After Bible study, he took the car around the block a couple times and had no problems. Still, we don't want to risk him getting stuck in Minnetonka tomorrow, so Dustin (the good friend that he is) is lending Matt his truck for the day tomorrow. (Dustin has the day off work and doesn't seem to mind the excuse to stay in and play Halo 3.) Matt and Dustin took the car up to the shop, and then Matt dropped Dustin off at home.

So, Matt and I might be in the market for a new car, depending on the shop's diagnosis... Needless to say, Matt is back to searching through ebay motors for ideas and possible good finds. :-) He just put in a couple of really low offers that probably won't even be considered, but hey - there's no harm in trying. It would be a pain to have to wait till the weekend to shop the Owner-to-Owner Car Mart if we could get a good deal sooner...

Matt is blogging!

Check out Matt's blog at http://anteru.blogspot.com.

Driving slow on Sunday morning...

I had a great afternoon with my hubby - we had some spare time to catch up on last week's episodes of Heroes and Smallville, we went for a walk, and now we're playing some music. Fun times! And here's a pic of my talented hubby with his guitar...

I had a really good time at scrapping tonight. I made some really awesome cards, and we got to hang out with some ladies who don't normally come. Yay for new people! I also really enjoyed the caramel-filled Hershey Kisses. :-)

And can I just say that Allison makes a great stew? I didn't even mind the couple of mushrooms that I ended up eating because the stew was so dang good. And thanks to Randi for bringing her embosser so I didn't have to run home! I have great friends. Thanks for taking care of me tonight. Love you all...

A fun new game...


I love my kitties!

And they love me...
I am avoiding writing a paper right now... instead I have decided to browse some scrapping sites. I'm kind of motivated to get going with Christmas cards again, but I'm not sure I can get myself to do the required prep. I am also feeling pretty drained this week. Too much is happening in one little week for me to keep up, but I'm going to try.

Now I need to go and try to learn to be more like the woman we learned about at Bible study yesterday. Mabel, despite being blind, deaf, severely disfigured, and alone in a nursing home for 25 years, loved Jesus, constantly meditated on God's Word, and lived her life with an attidute of true joy and gratefulness. I want to be like her.

Still not up to par

I am "draining" today... This is good news! Time to get rid of all the yuckiness. So while my throat is better, my head is still a little packed and it's making me dizzy.

But, the good news is that I was feeling well enough to go with Matt to Best Buy. He had $20 in "rewards points" that were burning a hole in his pocket. So we bought a microphone, and now we are recording guitar, drums, vocals - even while I'm sick. I'm interested to see how my "sick" voice compares to my "healthy" voice. :-) It should be a fun experiment...

I've got the sniffles

I woke up this morning with a not so nice feeling in my throat. Actually, it helped me to wake up on time, which was nice. (I have trouble sleeping when my throat hurts.) I had to wake up at 5:15 in order to have enough time for getting ready and driving to work by 6:30. So I grabbed a bag of cough drops as I headed out the door, and I was able to make it to work on time. Yay!

Then my day went on with me going through about half the bag of cough drops and using about 10 tissues - not too bad, but still, this is definitely a case of the sniffles. :-(