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It's almost time for class, but I realized that I hadn't posted in a while, so here is my post!

I'm tired and hungry, so let's hope I can stay awake in class. :-)


ella peterson said...

good luck my friend!

Jennifer C. said...

FYI - I was successful in my quest to not only stay awake, but pay attention and participate in the discussion. All that's left for this class now is to write a 10 page paper and present on what I wrote for 5-10 minutes - all due in two weeks. :-) And next week I will be super busy with training, which ends in a qualifying exam, and next weekend, I should be on my way to Katrin and Charles' place, so I suppose I will be writing this weekend!

ella peterson said...

wow! that is a lot of stuff to have to accomplish in such a short little time my dear. good luck!