
Busy, busy, busy!

Tonight was busy, but fun. I got to meet with some of my classmates for dinner at O'Gara's, and then I got to hang out at Lacy's for my third (?) pampered chef party this year. Good stuff!

This summer has been really busy on the whole. I seem to find that the times I plan to keep open and take a break from activity, I plan more activity than when I'm busy with things like school. Let's just say that I'm glad to be staying busy because otherwise I would be spending more time cleaning my house. :-)

Speaking of which, now that Matt's family has left, our house has magically become less cluttered. Time to pull out the vacuum! Maybe I should wait until we get back from the camping weekend... yes, good plan...


Jen D said...

Cool new look! I haven't checked your blog out in a while and thought I would make my way over. We've been busy too, but I agree, it has been nice because who wants to clean in the summer anyway?! With that said, I actually intentionally didn't plan anything today so that I could spend the day catching up on laundry and picking up the house...kind of ironic. :)