
Let's take a moment to review...



'Nuf said.

Fun with HTML

So for those of you who regularly read this blog, you may have noticed a few changes as of late. I have been easily distracted from work lately, and instead of getting things done, I have been updating the "look" of my blog. My most recent addition - the "shadow", similar to Allison's blog. I liked it so much that I decided to add one to my page. What fun times!

Good friends, good fellowship

I had a really good time at study tonight. I feel like I was meant to hear this particular topic on this particular day. I also felt that way about yesterday's topic. Seems like some common themes keep cropping up as of late... and I feel like I'm listening. I so drastically want change right now, so I'm glad to have been given some good concepts on which to meditate this week. I love being a person in progress, and I hope to never be satisfied with just the status quo.


Man, was I exhausted this afternoon. I just woke up from a 2.5 hour or so nap. And I'm still tired... so much for getting anything done. Oh well, I wasn't that motivated anyway. Maybe I can convince Matt to go for a walk with me before the meeting tonight...

So Early!

I will be at GCR by 7:55 am today, although I wish I could sleep in... :-( But at least I get to play! And - I'm excited b/c yesterday the sanctinasium was empty after lunch, and I got to play the piano for the first time. Woohoo!

Raking Leaves

Today I made myself sick by working on a rubik's cube for too long. When I got home from orchestra practice/Video Game day, I decided I needed some fresh air. So I raked the leaves. I love leaves! Fall is my favorite season.

Disc Golf!

Matt and I didn't get too many pics from last weekend's Disc Golf outing, but here are some of the better ones we did get...

I'm the queen of messy eating...

I love Tide-to-Go pens - They are rockin’ good fun! I splattered beef juices all over my lovely white T-shirt today, so I pulled out my Tide-to-Go pen and started “drawing” all over myself. And voila! Just like magic, the stains are hardly noticeable!

Just thought you all would want to know…

Also, I’m still really hungry and looking forward to pizza with my hubby tonight. We’ll probably watch some Smallville, too, which is always a good time. Woohoo!

Proud Sponsors

Matt and I are the proud sponsors of a wonderful, soon-to-be 9 year-old boy from Africa. We just finished writing him a letter earlier this evening, which is a major thing for us. We have been consistent with our giving for the last 5 years, but we have only written a few letters. Bad, bad sponsors, yet very proud and glad to do what we can. (These are pictures drawn about 3 months ago that we just got in the mail along with a letter...)

Ali was so right...

I just remembered that I'm going to be playing in orchestra in a week, so I thought I'd check out the music and make sure to practice anything that looked tricky. Yeah, so I thought I was missing something when I remembered that Ali F. said there were hardly any parts for woodwinds. Looks like I won't need to practice at all, since this will so not be a challenge. And I guess that I will be bringing my laptop to our 2 hour practice on Saturday so I don't waste all that time sitting around when I have so much to do. I am kind of bummed, though that there is only one song...

Going to bed...

So my husband had a really good idea around 10:30 PM. "Why don't we just go to bed?" he said. I thought that sounded like a good plan, so I called my friend from class to see where they were and what was going on. Turns out she left her phone at home, which had my number in it, so she couldn't call. In an effort to contact me, she changed her voicemail to give her hubby's cell number so I could call her. And I called her and left a message saying we were going to call it a night. And she called back and told me the story I just told you. And it is all good, but we did not go to Shout. We will go sometime, mark my words, but for now I'm looking forward to sleeping a bit.

Feeling Blue

I need some happy thoughts sent my way... anybody have anything good?

It's the weekend!

I'm too tired to write something, so someone else should leave a good comment for me instead. Here's a topic: What is something about yourself that you wish you could easily change in an instant? Mine would be my desire for junk food. If I could want only healthy food, I would be thrilled! I would also like to enjoy exercising... okay, it's your turn...

Working Late!

So I forgot until just now to inform my husband that I would be working from midnight until 2 am tonight. Whoops! So I'm going to be getting a highly caffeinated soda before midnight, and hopefully I make it home awake... :-D

Looking forward to scrapping...

I have nothing really important to say except that I'm going to have a chance on Friday after work to prepare for scrapping late night on Friday, which means I might actually get something done. Woohoo! Oh, and Matt and I are probably going to go to Shout! piano bar on Saturday night with a classmate, her hubby, and some of their visitors from out of town. It should be a good time...

Partying it up the "Sharp" way

Matt and I definitely chose the wrong route to get to Indiana. We have usually had luck going straight down along the lake through Chicago, but this time there was construction. It ended up taking us over 10 hours. We will be going the "long way" home, which should take us 8.5 hours, and it what we should have done in the first place...

Friday night was really tame. Just my dad, his 3 siblings, my grandma, Matt, and I went to grandma's for a chili dinner. We didn't stay too long, b/c 5 of us left for Notre Dame around 8:30 to go see my cousin Catherine, an ND sophomore. The big reason for us going so late was that the ND marching band drummers hold what they call a "drummers circle" on Friday nights before home games. It's kind of a pep rally lead by the percussion section that lasts for about 40 minutes starting at midnight. Needless to say, we were up late on Friday.

Saturday was a lazy day before the party. We slept in, watched Spaceballs, went for a walk on the beach with Dad, Grandma, and Aunt Janet. Aunt Janet got really excited about the regurgitated pellets we foundon the beach...ask me later. Then we went back to dad's and watched Sense and Sensibility. (It was my second time seeing the movie, but my first time understanding it.) We got to the party around 7, and Dad was surprised, although he knew something was up. Our music picks went over very well, and the party ran smoothly. Most people left around midnight, but family hung out until 1 or so.

And now, we have spent Sunday morning sleeping in. Matt is making me breakfast as we speak. Even my dad slept until almost 9 am, which is nearly unheard of. And I am starving, so I'm going to go eat my breakfast and get ready to drive for yet another 8.5 hours of my weekend!

Lazy evening

I am finally able to relax on a Thursday night... I think I've really just needed a calmer night because I've been so stressed with other work lately. Right now, I have my homework for Tuesday done, and I'm mostly ready for the weekend...

So this weekend is going to be fun. Matt and I are going to Indiana to hang out with family and Dad's friends for his 50th birthday... I'll write more about it later.

Feeling Strong

So lately I have been feeling very independent. I have felt like I've been standing on my own a lot (in the figurative sense), and I am glad that I can handle myself for a while and others don't have to worry about me... which is kind of scary, b/c I also feel like sooner or later I will come crashing down, at which point there will not be very many people left who know I need them. Everyone just seems to be taking care of someone else, and as it usually goes, I get left on the sidelines cheering people on but not really being part of the action. Maybe this is because I spend so much of my time working on things that other people can't relate to. Maybe I'm just an irritating, hard-to-love person and people don't like me as much as they do others. Aw heck - who knows. For now, I'm doing good with just God (and a little of Matt) to lean on, and that's way more that enough.
So I have tonight off of class, and I was able to get my 500 word homework assignment done yesterday, so that means that I get to work on a playlist tonight. Although, I'll probably end up scrapbooking, since I have been motivated since Sunday after making the first page for myself since who knows when...

No work and all play...

I intended to get some homework done this weekend - I had no such luck. Meh, I wasn't too motivated anyway. I suppose that means it's going to be a long week of work, since I'm leaving town on Friday...


I spent an hour and a half driving 8.5 miles today. Because of this, I was 30 minutes late for class. Of course this is okay when you are in grad school, so no big worries. The good news is I was able to keep myself from crying even though 1 hour of that time was spent travelling about 1 mile down 1st ave. Now I know we talked about slowing down in Bible Study last night, but this is just a little bit ridiculous and nerve-racking. I have to drive there, I don't want to reserve 2 hours to get 8.5 miles twice a week, just in case. So anyway, I did ask God to help me stay calm, and He came through. I was totally able to focus once I got to class, and my class let out 30 minutes early. So Matt and I got to watch Heroes before bed, and I requested pizza because I was in need of comfort food.

I'm Back!

It has been a long time since I was able to attend a full Bible Study night, and man, does it feel good to be back again. Jen and I also got to watch ANTM9 afterward, so that's good. Now it's back to the books - time to read for Wenesday's class. I don't think I'll get very far, because I'm already tired. I guess that means I'll be reading over lunch and after class tomorrow, also. :-D yay for school!