
I'm Back!

It has been a long time since I was able to attend a full Bible Study night, and man, does it feel good to be back again. Jen and I also got to watch ANTM9 afterward, so that's good. Now it's back to the books - time to read for Wenesday's class. I don't think I'll get very far, because I'm already tired. I guess that means I'll be reading over lunch and after class tomorrow, also. :-D yay for school!


Allison said...

I'm glad you're blogging again! I missed you!

Jennifer C. said...

I'm glad you're commenting. It was a long and hard week without you to help motivate me. :-)

ella peterson said...

i suppose i could have helped you out with that Jen since i've been reading your blog daily... sorry.
i like the color changes on your blog.