So lately I have been feeling very independent. I have felt like I've been standing on my own a lot (in the figurative sense), and I am glad that I can handle myself for a while and others don't have to worry about me... which is kind of scary, b/c I also feel like sooner or later I will come crashing down, at which point there will not be very many people left who know I need them. Everyone just seems to be taking care of someone else, and as it usually goes, I get left on the sidelines cheering people on but not really being part of the action. Maybe this is because I spend so much of my time working on things that other people can't relate to. Maybe I'm just an irritating, hard-to-love person and people don't like me as much as they do others. Aw heck - who knows. For now, I'm doing good with just God (and a little of Matt) to lean on, and that's way more that enough.
You're definitely not irritating and we definitely like you. Glad you're feeling strong but it's okay if you're not.
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