
Looking forward to Friday

I, the queen of busy-ness, have succeeded in accomplishing at least one thing this week. I completed the layout plans for 19 single/double page layouts, and I compiled and printed 53 - 4x6, 5 - 5x7, and 5 - 8x10 photos. This is much more work than one might think, and I am glad to know that my pictures are ready for the weekend.

Now I will most likely not get through all 19 layouts, but I need to be prepared. What if there is a layout that I don't want to work on? I need a backup plan. Or maybe a selection of backup plans. Can't be too prepared, can I?

On to other things... I have a list going for this week. 32 hours of work (8 completed), finish reading my book for class (I'm slow, so this could be about 4 hours...), read my articles for class (1 hour), journal for class (2 hours, spread out), write my paper for class (~5 hours)...

I'd like to pause and mention that I'm starting to notice a trend...

Back to the list. Laundry. Clean the clutter mess that is forming in my upstairs. Call Grandma (since I was too distracted to call her on her birthday, which was Sunday). Coordinate rides for Friday with my carpool. Organize scrapping supplies for the weekend. Speaking of which, I think I need to buy a rubbermaid bin for some of my larger loose items. Clean cat litter. Call Mom - this one is way overdue. Go to class on Wednesday night. Go to Allison's on Thursday night. Exercise daily - 30 minutes - that's not too much... evening devos with Matt and God. Morning Devos with God. Prep for volunteer training. Lunch with past roomates from BSC...

I almost forgot. I need to eat dinner at some point. And sleep. And blog. And answer emails from friends... and...


Jen said...

glad you are posting, hopefully you will have some time to rest this weekend.

Allison said...

Way to get so much prep done for this weekend! That IS a big deal.

ella peterson said...

no wonder woman always have so many suitcases. i never understood that until now. they need a back plan...