
I'm an ENFP! What's your type?

Go to http://www.personalitytype.com/quiz.asp for a very short "quiz" to help estimate your Myers-Briggs type. (Disclaimer: I am not a trained professional, and this quiz will not solve all of your problems, so no complaining if you take it.) If you'd like, feel free to comment on this post and let me know where you land.

*******Update: I am now a trained professional (as of December 2007), and this short version is still not the real thing. If you want an accurate understanding of your type, contact me or another trained professional for assistance. :-)

*******Update #2, April 30th, 2009:

I have gone back and forth with this for a while. I took the MBTI at some point in 2005, and I think my answers showed up as ESFP. Of course, I was still in Engineering, and I wasn't very sure of who I really was. Thus started my journey of self-reflection.

A year later (fall of 2006), I took it again, this time the computerized version. I think I answered the questions as an ENFP this time, though I wasn't very clear on S vs. N yet.

So, time passed, I left engineering, and I had a chance to go through the training program to be certified to give the MBTI to others. This time I was a bit more confident about being an ENFP, but I wanted to dig deeper to be certain. (For those of you who know MBTI, you may see a theme emerging here.) I needed to know once and for all about S or N. The instructor suggested that it might not be about the S or N at all, but it might be a question of J vs. P. At the time, that seemed to jive with me pretty well, so ENFJ became my understanding.

Then, in the Spring of 2009 (a.k.a right now), I had an opportunity to take the MBTI Step II. I really wanted to confirm whether there were any strong "out-of-preference" facets that were trowing off my whole understanding. Lo and behold, there were. After answering the questions as honestly as I could and seeing the results of my Step II assessment, I have realized that I am an ENFP, but I am strongly out of preference in two "J" ways: I am Methodical, and I am Planful. But, being the "P" that I am, I do hold loosely to these facets.

Yay! I feel very comfortable now understanding myself to be a Planful, Methodical ENFP. Now, let's hope I can just grow in this understanding rather than waffling to something else again next year. But, knowing who I am, I wouldn't put it past myself to do so. :-)

Now that took longer than I thought it would...

I just finished my 1st written homework assignment of the semester - worth 10% of my grade for one of my classes. I think I started working around 7:30... :-) I had to read a case study that was about 10 times longer than I thought it was going to be, I had to go back through what I read yesterday and take detailed notes on a bunch of stuff I needed in order to accurately assess the case study, then I had to look through income statements and balance sheets and do some calculations, all so that I would have a clue about what I should write my 350 words on.

And now that it's done, I'm not even sure if my initial thoughts were right, but I don't think I can understand enough at this point to really form an opinion anyway. Good thing that the teacher said he's not as worried about grades but more about participation and effort...

Yay for Saturdays!

After a long Thursday and Friday (and some "down time" with my hubby on Friday night), I had almost an entire Saturday to myself! It has been a while, let me tell you...

Anyway, on Friday night, after Matt and I watched a movie, I got inspired to clean up my scrapping shelves. I have one of those 4 X 4 "cubbie" shelves from IKEA, and some of the cubbies have been collecting junk for a while. Now my shelves are looking pretty nice. Also, now that the shelves are looking nice, I got "inspired" to decorate some wooden letters to set on top of my shelves. Since Jen N. was coming over today to scrap, I had the perfect opportunity to get this done while I was still motivated. Even Matt is excited about the results. So, what do you think? Is it gorgeous, or is it gorgeous?

You can't see this very well in the picture, but I also got to use my circle stamps on the top half with glitter paint. It looks really good when the light hits it just right. By the way - guess where I got all the lovely green paper? My friend and faithful reader, Allison, gave it to me. Thanks, chica!


My mind is awake, but my eyes aren't... and I fear that's how my semester will go. For that matter, I fear that's how the next two to three years will go. But it's worth it. :-)

Good Buys

I stopped by Archivers on my way home from work, and I happened to find a $40 ribbon organizer on sale for $10. I was happy. :-) So I splurged... and also used my 25% off coupon on a set of cute circle stamps that I have been admiring for a month or so. :-) If only I were independently wealthy so I could quit my job and actually find time to scrap...

So much to read...

Ahh, finally home after a long day of work. Not much time left to do the readings for class, so I guess that means I'm going to have to stay up and read again tonight... most likely I'll fall asleep. yeah, don't think I'll do a good job of keeping up this semester...

Another fine weekend

We've had some good times this weekend with Mom Cromer. We've done the Renaissance Festival and the Swedish museum/castle, and we are tired of walking! Us ladies also got some crocheting done - I finished about 5 rows on the blanket I've been working on for a couple years. :-) During our evenings, we were so tired that all we had energy for were movies, so we watched Ted Dekker's "Three" on Saturday and "Dreamer" on Sunday.

Another busy week is looming, so I have to go do some homework now. Wish me luck on getting everything done!
Ahh, it feels so nice to sleep in and wake up to such a sunny, beautiful day.

My mother-in-law arrived last night around 8 after a fiasco with her flight. (cancelled? not cancelled? NWA couldn't decide.) But today is a big day - we are going to the Renaissance festival, then possibly to the only castle in MN (Swedish Museum? depends on how much time is left).

Matt is making breakfast and asked if I could turn on some Irish music, so I'm dancing in my chair as I write this. What fun! I am seriously so affected by the style of music I listen to. I really need to schedule a Saturday night trip to a pub with my friends to listen to some live Irish music... It's time for chocolate chip pancakes - time to run!

Stream of consciousness emotions and little to no sleep...

I had a mini-emotional meltdown tonight. The enginerd in me wants to analyze everything that could possibly be related so I can fix the problem. However, I have an even bigger problem. I’m way too exhausted to analyze. Nothing is making sense. Thought #1 – I’m tired, that’s why.

But let’s not stop there. I can’t remember the last time I cried. How long has it been? Maybe my husband or my girlfriends can remember, but I certainly can’t. Thought #2 – it was just time, that’s why.

Wait a second – screwed up hormones? Possibly… (Thought # 3…) It’s conceivable…

Break – Insert random movie quote:
Humperdink: I think you're bluffing.
Westley: It's possible, pig. I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable vomitous mass, ...
End Break

Thought #4 – I seem to have committed an unusually high number of faux pas tonight, mostly recognized only by yours truly. I tend to hold myself to high standards. Realizing that I am just as flawed as everyone else (if not more flawed), my dream of proving my worth through my actions is yet again crushed. Grace wins, as expected. Praise God for that. Yet I still am left feeling pretty idiotic and stupid…

Thought #5 – I’m feeling a little selfish about this one, but here’s the thought: When is it okay for me to have a bad night? Would anybody truly care if I shared? Would people’s reactions be enough to make me feel loved, not just know that I am loved? (FYI – I do know that I am loved, but knowing and feeling are two different things.) My life probably appears golden to outsiders. Heck, even I feel like my problems are minimal compared to those of others. Am I starting to hold back to the point where people can’t know me? Am I becoming the dreaded “Minnesota Nice” to avoid alienating people but all the while doing just that?

Or (#6) am I extremely off base and so disconnected from reality that I don’t see how my actions are truly affecting others? Do I give off vibes that confuse things further? Do people think I don’t need them because I’m always shooting for such high standards and appear to be succeeding? Again, do people really know me? Or do they even want to know the real me? (Think: Lyrics to The Real Me by Natalie Grant)

I have so many acceptance issues. I know I could keep going all night with my analysis, but I do need to get at least some sleep. Yet I also need to process these things. Very few people enjoy “processing”, but thankfully, I know some who do (who also enjoy listening and cautiously providing comments). And I can always turn to journaling in the event that I find myself at a loss for a “processing” partner…

Quick Recap

Once again, I have let way too much time pass between posts...

Three weeks worth of classes have come and gone since my last post. So far, the workload is manageable, but there is so much reading that I am afraid for later when I will be expected to actually write based on what I will have read. I am enjoying the discussions, though, and I think I am keeping up with my fellow classmates.

On the work front, I have had a couple of okay weeks. Nothing too stressful - at least having other stressors in my life helps to limit the effects of work-related stress. I have now hosted two training sessions for the subject I have been working on most recently, and on top of that, I am training someone this week on the full gamut of standard processes. I really like weeks like this when my job requires that I take a break from creating materials in order to train people. This is my chance to just be confident in what I know and share my knowledge. In addition, I am finding that I am a very patient person, which is good since it is directly applicable to my job. This makes me feel pretty good about where I currently am in life...

Meh. That’s about enough of that for now. I’m feeling bored with this topic, so moving on…

Kimmie's Party

We just got back from Aunt Kimmie's 50th birthday party. It was a good day with lots of eating and visiting, and a bit of swimming. Matt, surprisingly, spent most of his time in the pool. (He must've been really hot...)

I always enjoy getting together with my mom's family. Some of my most favorite childhood memories are of hanging out with these aunts/uncles/cousins. But I must say, my favorite part of the night is always later on, after most people have had a couple (or more) beers. These are the times when everyone really lets loose and becomes extremely open and honest and laid back. These are the times I remember most, the times I feel I get to know who people are deep down. Don't get me wrong, I love the conversations I have with my family throughout the day, but I just really get into the late night gatherings, and I wish more of my cousins could be there, too.

I really feel like I've missed out a lot on getting to know my older cousins. They're all boys, and there is a significant enough age gap that we never really bonded. Plus, there are so few times that we are actually together, and these times are just not enough for us to truly get to know each other. It doesn't help that I will most likely always be the "little cousin" in their eyes. (I wonder how I act towards my own "little cousins"?)

I want so badly for my family to "get me", and I think many of them do. Weekends like this give me a chance to show my family that there's more to who I am than what they remember about me as a little kid.

My mom said tonight that she was proud of how I've become much better at expressing myself. For most of my life, I've had trouble keeping a cool head when I feel attacked. I know that God has been working in me to correct this problem, and tonight I saw some practical results of His work. My family doesn't mean to attack, but they just can never possibly see things as I see them, and that makes it difficult for them to understand where I'm coming from.

Sometimes when I get together with family, Mom or Dad's side, I have a little difficulty with one thing in particular. People who love me and want the best for me strongly express their opinions right as I'm trying to share something that means a lot to me, and that I've already put a good deal of thought into. I know they just want to help, but it's not what I need. At those moments, I need to be heard and understood. Being the youngest during these conversations typically does not help my credibility with regards to having wisdom, despite the fact that true wisdom is a gift from God and not a result of having more life experiences. This is not to say that I'm always right on, but I do have something to contribute for those willing to let me.

I can only hope that in time, others will be able to look at my life and know that the Lord guides my steps, and that His is the best wisdom out there. Maybe one day, someone will be able to learn something from me , not through my words, but through my life lived for Christ. To God be the glory!

Out of town, yet again...

Here I am in lovely Mt. Horeb, WI, just got in from the almost 5 hour car ride... Having taken a quick nap in the car, I am starting to get my second wind, although Matt wants me to come to sleep.

When we got in the house, we were greeted by my Uncle Greg. His wife (my Mom's sister) and my Mom are down at the local bar for Karaoke night. Yes, I was tempted to walk down there at 12:30 in the morning to join them, but I do realize that I would probably get tired really fast, so better to stay in and post about this instead. :-)

And now for the big news....

As Matt and I started to leave town (we hadn't gotten far on little 10 at all), our hood decided to fly open while we were going about 40 mph. Now we have a bent hood that won't latch, more cracks in our windshield, and a mutilated windshield wiper. Thank goodness for Complete Auto of Blaine, our local, family owned, favorite auto shop! I called about 30 seconds before closing, and the owners ended up waiting for me for 30 minutes to drop off the car, even though there was a drop box for the key. What a great shop! I seriously need to submit a stunning report to the BBB for all this shop does going out of their way to serve customers. :-) Matt will be spending tomorrow morning on the phone with junk yards (looking for a non-bent, used hood) and the shop to determine what to do next. And the good news is? Matt got to drive the car that has cruise control on the trip to Mt. Horeb! Praise the Lord for keeping us safe!

And now, even though I'm still not tired, I think I should head to bed. Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone!